Monday, 16 November 2015

Hypocrite World

I am not saying it is not sad for what happened in Paris,but guess what people as a human,you have to do it always,and with everyone,with no preference.yesterday there were 2 attacks in Lebanon,and they have barely mentioned,and now everyone lose it for Paris.

Not to mention Iraq,Syria,Myanmar,Palestine,many African countries,India,Pakistan and many others.
A human is a human despite the location.

Enough with your selective humanity and sympathy.

p/s : please stop blaming Islam for all this propaganda that 'you' created.


  1. Video yang Lebanon yang 3rd suicide bomber tak dapat letupkan bomb then dia kena kejar ngan orang2 kat situ.... kecoh sey....
    Isis Isis, aku pun tak tahu apa nak cakap... Allah je la tahu sapa dalang Isis sebenarnye, dan kenapa ada orang2 Islam hollow2 percaya Isis bulat2 tanpa cek sapa dalang nye.

  2. facebook siap offer tukar profile pic ada bendera perancis, tapi xde pun offer bendera lubnan... fuh~

  3. nampak betul mainan barat kan. hurmm.. sama2 lah kita bedoa utk kesejateraan anak cucu kita dimasa akan datang..

  4. Agree with u ..... Propa sangat!
    Another attempt to blame islam.

  5. masalah org islam skrg ni terpengaruh dgn propaganda...yes kdg2 yg berkaitan dgn arab dan program jihad semuanya nk follow tanpa brfikir pnjang siapa dalang jihad tu...kita xtau n mgkin kita sndiri trjebak dgn permainan jihad dorg yg drancang ole tgn2 ghaib..silap2 dia jihad melawan kelompok islam sndiri tu yg plg dtakuti...tgn2 ghaib tu hnya tepuk tgn sahaja tanpa bersusahpayah...
