Monday 10 March 2014

Coming Home

sekadar hiasan

When I stand before you shining in the early morning sun
When I feel the engines roar and I think of what we've done
Oh the bittersweet reflection as we kiss the earth goodbye
As the waves and echoes of the towns become the ghosts of time

Over borders that divide the earthbound tribes
No creed and no religion just a hundred winged souls
We will ride this thunderbird, silver shadows on the earth
A thousand leagues away, our land of birth

To Albion's land
Coming home when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay

Curving on the edge of daylight til it slips into the void
Waited in the long night, dreaming til the sun is born again
Stretched the fingers of my hand, covered countries with my span
Just a lonely satellite, speck of dust and cosmic sand

Over borders that divide the earthbound tribes
Through the dark Atlantic; over mounting stormy waves
We will ride this thunderbird, silver shadows on the earth
A thousand leagues away, our land of birth

To Albion's land
Coming home when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay

To Albion's land
Coming home when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay

Coming home, far away when I see the runway lights
In the misty dawn the night is fading fast
Coming home, far away as their vapor trails align
Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay

Coming Home live Moscow 2011 (versi live yang paling aku suka)

"Coming Home" Smith,Harris,Dickinson 5:52 (10/10)
Mood lagu sangat atmospheric. Gitar melodinya syahdu, sesuai dengan lirik yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman IRON MAIDEN sampai ke sesuatu destinasi dengan Ed Force One (tafsiran zahir). Secara batiniah pula, aku suspek lagu ini mengenai perjalanan manusia dari dunia ini ke alam akhirat (ya, orang bukan Islam pun percaya akan ini jadi ianya tidak pelik). Untuk tidak menjadi bias, Dickinson menulis;

Over borders that divide the earthbound tribes,
No creed and no religion,
Just a hundred winged soul

Winged soul - kepercayaan subconcious orang Barat (dan banyak budaya manusia) bahawa kematian boleh menjadikan mereka seperti malaikat yang berkepak.
-Duktur Bentara

Coming Home (10/10)
Apsal 10/10. Lirik mesti Bruce. Juruterbang gi sana gi sini dan akhirnye dia nak mendarat kat Albion. Albion ni nama asli bagi kepulauan Great Britain kalo tak salah aku. 
Lagu paling ROMANTIK GILER. Serious aku cakap, lagu sangat istimewa. Nak2 kalo aku ganti Thunderbird tu ngan Bus Express. Hehehe.

Lagu ni jenis kasi mata berair beb.

Memang lagu ni romantik,syahdu dan boleh kasi mata berair.sambil buat entri ni aku dengar berulang kali..tapi tak dapat menandingi kesedihan ahli2 keluarga dan crew MH370 yang masih tidak di ketahui nasibnya sehingga kini..apa pun sama2 lah kita berdoa agar di permudahkan segala kesulitan yang di hadapi oleh mereka...

#Pray for MH370


  1. ni lagu selalu kitorang cover waktu jamming, dan kadang2 gig (ikut kesesuaian gig)

  2. first few shows, Adrian godey2 solo lagu ni, first time aku dengar Adrian solo ni kat Spore, which is second show lepas Moscow, aku was like Giler ah Adrian Smith belum apa2 dah remake solo, tapi by the time dia sampai Australia dia dah balik asal lak... haha.
    Lagi satu Adrian Smith ko dengar first show 2009 Aces High kat Belgrade. Aku pun heran apsal dekni first few shows tiap2 tour suka improvise.

    Apa pun MH370 lets hope jumpa asap.

  3. Pray for MH370...

    nice song btw...
